If you are unable to complete the forms ahead of time, please arrive at least 15 minutes early to do so.
At the first visit, Dr. Popple will complete a comprehensive dental exam making sure your child's oral cavity is healthy and identify any dental decay that is present. If x-rays were taken at another office, please bring those images with you or have them emailed to our office. A dental prophylaxis, and fluoride application will also be completed at this visit if necessary.
Tips for a Successful First Visit
Stay positive!!! A child will use what they learn from their parents to decide how they feel about visiting the dentist. Tell your child that we visit the dentist to make sure our teeth are clean and healthy.
Avoid sharing too many details with your child that may be confusing or scary. Answer questions your child might have about the upcoming visit, but if there are questions you are not sure how to answer, in a child friendly way, please tell your child you arent sure and will ask the dentist.
Words to avoid!
needle (instead say sometimes the "sleepy juice" feels like a "mosquito bite")
shot (instead say we put cavity bugs to sleep with "sleepy juice")
pain (we go to the dentist to help keep teeth from hurting or to get them to stop hurting when they do)
drill (instead we brush the cavity bugs out with our special "watergun toothbrush")
"If you dont behave the dentist will pull out all your teeth" (or any variation of this phrase)
Help your child become familiar with our office by showing them photos of our office under the "About Us" tab or just click this link to navigate to the page
First Visit Tips
We believe that first impressions are important. Your child's first visit will be customized based on your child's level of comfort and confidence in order to help foster a positive long term relationship
In order to stream-line the check-in process, you can bring your new patient forms to the office with you on your first visit. If you are bringing more than one child, please fill out each form for each child. Download PDF forms below by clicking the green buttons. Print them at home, fill them out, and bring the forms with you on your first visit.