When should I bring my child for their first visit?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends your child see the dentist within 6 months of the first tooth or no later than 12 months of age.
What happens at the first visit?
At the first visit, the doctor will complete a comprehensive dental and radiographic exam making sure your child's mouth is healthy and identify any dental decay that is present. A dental prophylaxis, and fluoride application will be completed at this visit if necessary.
We believe that first impressions are important. Your child's first visit will be customized based on your child's level of comfort and confidence in order to help foster a positive long term relationship.
What can I do to get ready for my child's visit?
Stay positive!!! A child will use what they learn from their parents to decide how they feel about visiting the dentist. Tell your child that we visit the dentist to make sure our teeth are clean and healthy. Avoid sharing too many details with your child that may be confusing or scary.
Show them the photos of our office under our "About Us" tab or just click this link to navigate to the page to help show them what they can expect to see at their visit.